Kolkata Hotel Deals

Kolkata Hotel Deals Here is the list of the five top hotels in Kolkata. Among them, Hyatt Regency and ITC Hotel Sonar Bangla are in east Kolkata, Oberoi Grand and The Park are in central Kolkata, and Taj Bengal is in west Kolkata. Approximate times from the Hotels to the Indian Statistical Institute in a taxi during normal day-time traffic will be: Hyatt Regency (45-50 minutes); ITC Sonar Bangla (55-60 minutes), Oberoi Grand (50-55 minutes); The Park (55-60 minutes); Taj Bengal (65-70 minutes). Indian Statistical Institute is the northern fringes of the city.

Kolkata is the capital of the eastern Indian state of West Bengal. However, the name of the state is often dropped in the mailing addresses of major metros like Kolkata. Thus, the address of Park Hotel will usually be written as ”17 Park Street, Kolkata 700 016, India”, rather than “17 Park Street, Kolkata, West Bengal 700 016, India”. The six digited PINs (Postal Index Numbers) of addresses in Kolkata start with “700”.

For international phone calls to Kolkata: The country code for India is 91 and the city code for Kolkata is 33. For calling a Kolkata number from outside Kolkata but within India, 033 has tot be prefixed before the number.
A very rough and approximate idea of the rates of the above five hotels are (they depend on the time of year, available deals and the nature of the room):
