Paramotoring in Jaisalmer

Paramotoring in Jaisalmer Looking for a fantastic and unforgettable sky journey? Look no further, we provide you with Paramotor ride which will make you trip unforgettable and memories to cherish throughout the lifetime!!

Paramotoring is the most rapidly developing form of aviation, not only because of the simplicity and low cost of Paramotoring as a sport but also due to the fact that it is extremely safe and enormously good fun!

Paramotor offers everyone the opportunity to experience the freedom and excitement of personal flight. Unlike paragliding, a Paramotor pilot is not reliant on elevated areas and the use of natural thermal conditions to take-off, gain height and maintain flight. Using a similar Paraglider wing but combined with the use of a lightweight engine and propeller, which is worn like a backpack, allows the Paramotor pilot to harness the thrust created by the engine and the lift created by the wing to take off easily with a short run from a flat open space and maintain height by simply applying power.

A Paramotor allows almost anyone to fly, without a license at a fraction of the cost compared to other traditional aircraft. With no airstrip, flying hill or licensing necessary, Paramotoring offers you this unique, hassle free route into the sky.
Paramotor trainers are highly qualified, experienced and are guaranteed to ensure you safe and fun sky flying.