Weather of Mussoorie

Mussoorie weather during summer can go up to 25° Celsius. Summer nights can get cooler with a minimum temperature of 10° Celsius. Light woolen clothes are required while visiting Mussoorie during summer. Winter season is very chilly in Mussoorie. Mussorrie will be covered in sheets of snow during winter. Visitors during winter are coming to visit snow fall. Lal Tibba is one of the highest point of Mussoorie from there you can enjoy the weather of Mussoorie. Its looks cloudy, misty & cold up there & you can enjoy beautiful sunrise from there. Sir George Everest’s House, Lake Mist, Landour & Clous End are few more pleases you can enjoy beautiful view & weather of Mussoorie.

The summer season in Mussoorie lasts from April to June, during which period the hill resort experiences pleasant climatic conditions. Around this time, the maximum temperature is somewhere around 30°C, while at night, it might dip to as low as 10°C.

In Mussoorie, winter starts in late October and stretches on till mid-February. In the day, the temperature hovers around 10°C, while the nights usually see it plummeting to 0°C. The hill resort might also experience snowfall in the winter season.

The monsoon in Mussoorie falls between the months of June/July and September, usually followed by spring time. In this season, the hill resort abounds in natural beauty, with lush green vegetation all around. Mussoorie experiences heavy drizzling around December also.