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Weather in Goa

Goa is in the west coast of India with the Arabian Sea on one side and Western Ghat hills and forests on the other. The weather in Goa is never too hot, even in the summer, when most parts of the country see very hot days. The winter is also mild. The chilly wind of the winter, which freezes much of North and Central India, does not affect Goa, thanks to the warm breeze coming in from the Arabian Sea. Similarly, the summer winds from the deserts of Rajasthan also do not reach the state.

There are no sharp changes in Goa temperature. But the weather in Goa does become hotter in the summer months, and cools down in the winter.

There are 3 main seasons in Goa – summer, monsoon or the rainy season, and the winter. The summer between March and early June is long, while the winter between December and January is short. May is usually the hottest month. The monsoon season is typically between June and August. Goa receives a lot of rain this time of the year because of tropical monsoon climate. However, it can rain at other times of the year as well, thanks to Goa’s coastal location. Clouds come in from the Arabian Sea, hits the Western Ghats hills, and downpours its content.