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Weather of Ajmer

Weather of Ajmer is a bustling, chaotic city, 130km southwest of Jaipur and just 13km from the Hindu pilgrimage town of Pushkar. Ajmer has a hot, semi-arid climate wherein most of the rain occurs in the monsoon months, between June and September. Temperatures remain relatively high throughout the year, with the summer months of April to early July having an average daily temperature of about 30 °C. During the monsoon there is frequent heavy rain and thunderstorms, but flooding is not a common occurrence. The winter months of November to February are mild and temperate with average temperatures ranging from 15°C –18 °C with little or no humidity. There are, however, occasional cold weather fronts that cause temperatures to fall to near freezing levels. Check the daily weather - current temperature, rainfall, wind speed, humidity, air-quality along with hourly, weekly and 15-days weather forecast for Ajmer.

Best Time to Visit Ajmer
Ajmer offers a burst of culture, history, and traditions. The city is home to several major attractions. Some of these are Dargah Sharif, Taragarh Fort, Savitri Temple, Nasiyan Jain Temple, Pushkar Lake, Akbar's Palace and Museum, Mayo College, Baradari on Lake Anasagar, Lake Foysagar, Adhai-din-ka-jhonpra, Brahma Temple, and others.

The winter season in Ajmer is generally bone-chilling. While maximums stay between 22 and 28°C, minimums can go as low as 5°C. Cold winds blow across the city and nights are comparatively colder.

Ajmer's close proximity to the Thar Desert results in considerably hot day temperatures during summer. The city witnesses a quick transition from hot summers to freezing cold winters. Temperatures in summer stick between 25 and 40°C with the average daily temperature being 30°C.

Frequent rain showers and thunderstorms greet the city of Ajmer during the monsoon season. The monsoon period usually begins from June and lasts till September. The city radiates colors and freshness during this season.